
Hi guys! It's been a few weeks since I have posted a #SelfLoveSunday... the reasoning here is that I honestly got too overwhelmed trying to come up with a topic for each week. So! I have decided to post a #SelfLoveSunday on the first Sunday of each month. This way the posts will hopefully be better and more thought out!

This idea of getting  too overwhelmed is what inspired me for this months post. In my life, I feel the need to keep going and pushing myself to be better and to do more. In my classes, I work until I am in tears and am almost always unsatisfied with my work. At my job I try to constantly go above and beyond and often times work myself into a state of being way too overwhelmed because of the goals I set for myself. In my friendships, I give and give and give until I have nothing left and am drained from giving so much. In all of these settings, I get myself in a head space where I feel like I haven't done my best yet and that I need to keep trying.

Now, I am not saying that pushing yourself is a bad thing. It is a great thing! But not when you push yourself too much. It becomes a bad thing when you never let up, and start to belittle all the good you are doing. It becomes a bad thing when you are always, always, trying to be the best and never settling for anything else.

To which I say,

take a step back,

and breathe.

It is so important to know when you are pushing yourself too hard. To be able to look around and see that you have overwhelmed yourself by trying to do too much perfectly.

It is so important to be able to take a step back and allow yourself to be "average" or "good". To not always be perfect. Whether it be getting a C on a paper or not making as much money at work or not being social enough. Take a breather and allow yourself to be human. Make room for error and imperfection in your life.

Setting goals for yourself is healthy and great and wonderful. However, letting those goals run and ruin your life is a fate nobody should endure. Breathe. And remember that your goals will not happen overnight. Your goals and dreams and expectations need time to become reality. Your GPA cannot be made in one broad swoop. It takes multiple assignments and classes and exams - some of which will not be perfect and that is okay. Breathe, and remind yourself that you are not defined by the grades you get. Your job cannot be perfectly done every single day. Breathe, and remember that you are allowed to have off days. Relationships, romantic or not, are not always going to be perfect. You cannot be the perfect friend or partner every single day. Some days you will mess up. Breathe, and allow yourself to be human.

Personally, I feel as though a lot of us tend to lose ourselves in our expectations. That we get so focused on some desired outcome, that we cannot accept when we have not done our very best. We get so damn caught up in trying to be perfect that we sometimes forget to breathe. So, take the time to breathe. Take the time to accept that you are not always going to be perfect or do perfectly on everything in your life.

And that is okay.

So... my challenge to you is to allow yourself some breathing room. Allow yourself the time to step back, take a deep breath, and accept the things we can and the things we can't.  Breathe, and know that there will be other opportunities to be perfect. Just take the time to breathe and allow yourself to do the best you can.

I hope you will accept this challenge and try to take the time to breathe and refresh your goals.




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