Stress Less!

As I head into my finals week, I can feel my stress level rising and my coffee budget dwindling by the day. Aside from the normal college things like not sleeping or eating regular meals, I also am losing touch with reality during this time period.

It comes in waves. Some days I am so lost in the work that I am trying to do that I don't even recognize myself or my surroundings. For instance, the other day I was at starbucks and blanked out for thirty minutes while writing an essay... When I came "back around" I realized I needed to take a GIANT step back.

So what did I do? Marched my butt up to the registers and ordered my favorite drink (again, lol). I also packed up my stuff and headed to my car. On my drive home I blasted my favorite songs and cleared my head.

Sometimes that what we need to do. We need to recognize when we are in over our heads and when we need to give ourselves a little break. Sometimes it's as simple as getting a coffee or listening to our favorite songs or reading a chapter of a good book. These little things are so important to do when we are working our butts off.

Being said, I know that finals week or busy weeks at work doesn't always allow for us to take a step back. When we are surrounded, neck deep in work, it is important to remind ourselves why we are doing what we are doing. Maybe you picked up an extra few shifts so you can afford a new car or concert tickets. Or maybe you're studying for numerous finals because you are working towards a better education.

We all have the reasons we started our projects. Remember those reasons. Repeat them to yourself when you are stressed or doubting yourself. Remind yourself that it will end soon, the semester is almost over or the weekend is just a few hours away.

Most importantly, remember that you can handle ANYTHING. The stress. The lack of sleep. You can conquer it. Don't fool yourself into thinking that you cannot achieve your goals. YOU. CAN. Just keep swimming, as Dory would say.

No you may be thinking, what does this stupid post have to do with self love? Quite honestly? Everything. As humans, our stress levels play a huge role in how we can live our lives. For me, the more stressed I am the less of a functioning human I can be. For instance, I don't eat proper meals or drink enough water or get nearly enough sleep. So, it is important to love yourself enough to take a step back and do something for yourself.

Take the time to love yourself and break away from your stress, even if it's just for a minute! That's my challenge to you this week. When you can, take a step back and do something for yourself. Run and grab a coffee or take a few minutes and listen to your favorite songs. Allow yourself to break away from the stress.




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