You are Beautiful Because You are Your Own
Yesterday I sat talking to my dear friend Emma. We were talking about body image and the impact bodies have on women's lives. As we talked, I thought a lot about how people who are body positive and "confident" seem to have it all together all the time.
I would like to take the time to say THAT'S NOT HOW IT SHOULD BE. I'd like to consider myself a confident person, I think I'm beautiful and feel as though my body is quite magical. One thing I really enjoy is discussing bodies and emphasizing that all bodies are different. However, accepting that bodies are different and deciding that your body is beautiful is H A R D. And it would be nice to think that once you've deemed your body as beautiful and unique that you've got it all figured out.
That's simply just not true.
It is almost impossible to confident all the time. Honestly, I don't think I know one person who is confident all the time. Our bodies are our biggest strength, and our biggest weakness. How lovely would it be to be able to just learn to love yourself and be happy with your body and appearance all the time... Someday, I think this will happen. Once our media is no longer littered with that body I predict a big change will come in terms of how we define ourselves.
One thing that took me a long time to learn is that I am not defined by the disdain I feel towards my body. I had to take the time to realize that I am going to have numerous ups and countless lows. Learning to accept myself and my ups and downs was not an easy feat. It is so unbelievably hard to learn self acceptance. This was made even more difficult for me because I am very impatient and wanted to feel beautiful stat! Jokes on me. It takes time, everyone! Give yourself the time. Let yourself hurt and hate who you are. Allow yourself to feel your lows. Give yourself time to sit with your feelings, to understand why you feel the way you do. And from there? Grow. And as you grow, remember that it is okay to fall down. As long as you remember to get back up, that's what counts. Seriously guys, take the time to hurt. That's a really beautiful experience - to learn your pain and feel your emotions. Once you do this, you will understand yourself so much better and eventually learn to grow and accept who you are.
I would really like to take this time to say that, no matter what your mind is screaming at you, your body is made of pure gold. Every single individual is beautiful. And not in that bullshit "you're beautiful in your own way" type of thing. You are beautiful because you are your own. What I mean by this is that we are beautiful beings because we are who we are. I think when people say "you're beautiful in your own way" they are still comparing you to that one type of body. Maybe that is just me, but that's truly how I see it. "Your own way", to me, sounds like you are still outside of the norm. When in reality, the norm is everywhere. We are all the norm.
A dream I have for our society is that we will all realize our potential and start to celebrate being different from one another. I have yet to meet someone whose body looks identical to mine. I do not know someone who has a doppleganger body to my beloved Emma. If I look at any of my friends, none of us have the same body. Even the women who are plastered all over the media have different bodies. Though they all fit the same basic description, their bodies are not the same. And that is okay. We are all different and I think that's what makes us beautiful.
Thank you endlessly for reading my words and listening to what my soul has to say. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to reach out to me on my instagram (@booksbyarp). Even if you just need to chat, I'm here.

That's simply just not true.
It is almost impossible to confident all the time. Honestly, I don't think I know one person who is confident all the time. Our bodies are our biggest strength, and our biggest weakness. How lovely would it be to be able to just learn to love yourself and be happy with your body and appearance all the time... Someday, I think this will happen. Once our media is no longer littered with that body I predict a big change will come in terms of how we define ourselves.
One thing that took me a long time to learn is that I am not defined by the disdain I feel towards my body. I had to take the time to realize that I am going to have numerous ups and countless lows. Learning to accept myself and my ups and downs was not an easy feat. It is so unbelievably hard to learn self acceptance. This was made even more difficult for me because I am very impatient and wanted to feel beautiful stat! Jokes on me. It takes time, everyone! Give yourself the time. Let yourself hurt and hate who you are. Allow yourself to feel your lows. Give yourself time to sit with your feelings, to understand why you feel the way you do. And from there? Grow. And as you grow, remember that it is okay to fall down. As long as you remember to get back up, that's what counts. Seriously guys, take the time to hurt. That's a really beautiful experience - to learn your pain and feel your emotions. Once you do this, you will understand yourself so much better and eventually learn to grow and accept who you are.
I would really like to take this time to say that, no matter what your mind is screaming at you, your body is made of pure gold. Every single individual is beautiful. And not in that bullshit "you're beautiful in your own way" type of thing. You are beautiful because you are your own. What I mean by this is that we are beautiful beings because we are who we are. I think when people say "you're beautiful in your own way" they are still comparing you to that one type of body. Maybe that is just me, but that's truly how I see it. "Your own way", to me, sounds like you are still outside of the norm. When in reality, the norm is everywhere. We are all the norm.
A dream I have for our society is that we will all realize our potential and start to celebrate being different from one another. I have yet to meet someone whose body looks identical to mine. I do not know someone who has a doppleganger body to my beloved Emma. If I look at any of my friends, none of us have the same body. Even the women who are plastered all over the media have different bodies. Though they all fit the same basic description, their bodies are not the same. And that is okay. We are all different and I think that's what makes us beautiful.
Thank you endlessly for reading my words and listening to what my soul has to say. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to reach out to me on my instagram (@booksbyarp). Even if you just need to chat, I'm here.
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